How to Print Spreadsheet Selection Only

I am using MacBook Pro and the spreadsheet application is LibreOffice.  But I expect that the process for how to print only the highlighted selection from a spreadsheet (rather than the whole spreadsheet) is pretty similar.  

How to Download YouTube Video

I use 4K Video Downloader.  Apparently it can be used to download more than YouTube videos.  See their instructions on How to Use 4K Video Downloader.   This post is primarily to remind myself how to use the app.  I use it so seldom that I forget the required steps, simple as they are. Note: […]

Mac Black Screen – Apple MacBook Pro

I have never had an Apple Mac Black Screen before.  When I was a Windows girl, the blue screen was the dreaded screen.  But with Apple, it seems to be the black screen.

My WordPress has HTTPS, Now What? [Part 2]

If your site on WordPress has HTTPS and you have read Have HTTPS on WordPress, Now What? [Part 1] for the most essential steps, ensuring that your secure HTTPS versions are automatically served up … what else do you have to do now to ensure that some of the other important related resources are also […]

Making HTTPS URL as default in Google Analytics

As part of the tasks after moving your site to HTTPS secure versions, we should also make HTTPS URL as the default URL in your Google Analytics, especially if you have AdSense programs. FYI (related background): Have HTTPS on WordPress.  Now What? [Part 1] My WordPress has HTTPS, Now What? [Part 2]  

How to add HTTPS property to Google Search Console

I already have website properties in Google Search Console.  But how do I add a new property to Google Search Console? After all the brain-wrecking work of dealing with installing HTTPS to my websites, I now need to add the https property to Google Search Console.  This is because Google considers HTTPS url and HTTP […]

Have HTTPS on WordPress, Now What? [Part 1]

OK I have https on my WordPress sites.  Yup, in my last post (My sites don’t have HTTP. So What?), I said I didn’t have, and maybe didn’t need, and so wouldn’t implement HTTPS. However since then, I have found out that my website host (HostGator) has automatically provided and enabled SSL certificates for my […]

My sites don’t have HTTPS. So what?

Addendum 4 Apr 2019: Ooops! I do have HTTPS!!! If you glance at the URL in your address bar, you might note that. This all came about with an accidental discovery. I wrote about this in I Have HTTPS on WordPress. What Now? … and what steps you have to take next to ensure all […]

Naming Faces in Google Photos

How do I go about Naming Faces in Google Photos? In my previous post (Google Photos – Face Recognition, Face Grouping), I initially expressed that it did not seem as if Google Photos offered us here in Australia the ability to manually select and label a face in a photo. That is partially true but […]

Auto Ads for Adsense in Word Press

What are Auto Ads for Adsense? After so many years, I still find Google’s Ad Sense confusing.  But it still manages to earn me a bit of money.  Recently (well maybe not so recently), I received an email from Google re. Auto Ads and suggesting I set them up.  Of course, I procrastinated. But today […]