It has been a while since I purchased Blogsy for iPad. And I still have not used it. So today, let’s see how to Use Blogsy for iPad. Here, I will essentially cover Blogsy’s essential Settings (and where to find it) and how to set up Blogsy so that it can publish to one of your blogging accounts (be it on Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Movable Type, Joomla, Drupal , IBM Connections, Tumblr, Squarespace, and/or MetaWeblog).
There is good documentation, videos and guides on how to use Blogsy. So I think I will just quickly bring us up to speed by learning how to navigate Blogsy to find what you need.
I will use my situation as an example.
- have purchased Blogsy
- have not set up any accounts (e.g. WordPress, Blogger, Drupal) for Blogsy to connect to
Where is Blogsy’s Settings
When you open Blogsy, this is what you will see. The “Settings” button (as indicated) is very useful.
When you click on the Settings button, you will find, amongst other needful things, links to guides, videos, and Blogsy FAQ. You can view these at your leisure or when need demands.
Now that we know where to quickly go for How-To help on Blogsy, let’s address how to set up account for Blogsy.
How to Set Up account for Blogsy
This means, how to set up Blogsy so that it links to one of your blogging accounts. Here I will be wanting to be able to publish, from Blogsy, to one of my WordPress self-hosted sites.
To add one of your blogging accounts to link to Blogsy, go to
Blogsy Settings >> Service Settings >> (select your blogging platform) >> (if WordPress, select between self-hosted or hosted on WordPress) >> Enter your (WordPress in my case) login details.
The following series of images illustrate the above steps on how to set up account for Blogsy.
- Blogsy – Service Settings
- Blogsy – Select your platform
- Blogsy – if using Wordpress
- Blogsy – Enter Account Details
Note on Remote Publishing for WordPress 3.5 and later
In the last screen, where you enter your selected platform’s login details, you will note that there are additional details on how to ensure your self-hosted WordPress will allow remote publishing. It lays out the steps that you need to check.
Note that WordPress 3.5 and upwards will have this feature enabled by default. This is the case for me (which is WordPress 3.9.1 as at 12 July 2014). Unless WordPress decides to show it again, for any of us who have WP 3.5 and higher, there will be no “Remote Publishing” section in the WP admin section. So you will just have to accept that Remote Publishing is enabled.
Multiple Blogging Accounts for Blogsy
By going through the steps above, you can have more than one blogging platform/account linked to Blogsy. That means you can use Blogsy to remotely publish to various blogging platforms.
That is all I have managed to achieve today. Now, rest! If I come across other challenges in how to use Blogsy, you can be sure you will find more Blogsy notes from me! 😉
Please don’t be shy to share your expertise or to ask questions in the comments below. I will either have the answer, research it, or let you know I have no clue!
- – How to Use Blogsy (official guide)
Your Comments? Tips to share?