Simple exercise on how to create new Account in Google Analytics?If you have Google Analytics, you would already have set up at least one Account within your GA. (You need at least one Account in GA to be able to use Analytics.) But if you are like me, you might not have been totally clear how that happened. So let’s walk through how to create new account in GA.
How to Create New Account in Google Analytics?
Remember that Google allows you to have up to 100 accounts in GA. Most of us will only really need just one account.
As an illustrative exercise, let’s create a new (fictional) account in GA.
Setup Scenario:
Let’s say your name is Charlie Brown.
You have 2 websites you want to track. (;
Now let us create new Account in your GA for Charlie Brown. And let’s use the first site ( as the site we want to track.
First, let’s log into the Admin section of your GA.
If you already have an active Google Analytics, in the adimin page, you will see three columns: Account, Property, View. Each has a drop-down arrow.
After clicking “Create new account”, you will be taken to the “New Account” screen.
First you decide if you are getting tracking code for a website or mobile app. In this exercise, we will track a website.
You must fill in the required fields:
- Account Name
- Website Name
- Website URL
Choose the appropriate industry (for your website) and chose a reporting time, based on your location. All of these will be on screen so you can just follow the instructions.
The screenshot above shows my entries in this example for the 3 required fields. You can follow along for this exercise or enter your own text.
You may have noted that not only are you creating a new Account in your GA, but are simultaneously creating one Property under this new Account. (The Property being the website to be tracked.)
Note: Property’s Website Name is the name/label you give your website so you can easily distinguish it in GA reports. Property’s Website URL is the URL for your site to be tracked. If I was to have 2 websites for Account: Charlie Brown, you would then create another Property under this same Account.
Scroll down the page, accepting any recommended options. Then click the “Get Tracking ID” at the bottom.
A pop-up screen will come up with Google Analytics Terms of Service. You have to accept to carry on.
Then you will be on the next screen which gives you the tracking id for the Account you just created. Plus the snippet of code that you will need to copy and past into your website so that Google Analytics can track performance data and create views and reports for you.
But don’t worry about it that for now. Let’s just get our heads around ground-level basics first.
For now, you have created a new Account in your GA.
Click the Admin link at the top of the page to go back to the main Admin screen. You can see that it has the Account and Property you specified earlier. And by default, it has created a View called “All Web Site Data”.
We have now learnt how to create new Account in Google Analytics. We will use this hypothetical account in our future exercises to learn more about Property and Views and how to read your GA reports.
We have now learnt how to create new Account in Ga (Charlie Brown).
And it has a Property (the website:
With an automatic default View: All Web Site Data
In the next article, we will take a closer look at views. That is when we will get a better grip on how to read our GA data.
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For GA to be able to track your site’s data and performance, you need to insert the tracking code into your website. Google needs this tracking code snippet to be able to track. For our exercises here with our hypothetical Charlie Brown account, we don’t need to do that. I might do a simple tutorial in future on this, if required.
Meanwhile you can refer to Google’s Set up the web tracking code.
- Digital Analytics Fundamentals
- Collecting actionable data with Google Analytics
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